Sample Homestead.yaml file for windows

I use Vagrant/Homestead for PHP, WordPress, Laravel development at Code Workshop day in day out with no issues anymore about ‘developing on windows’. xdebug bolts up fine, and there’s far fewer issues when deploying to production because of the matching linux environment. Here’s a cut down example of my homestead.yaml file that I use and… Continue reading Sample Homestead.yaml file for windows


Laravel Snippets: Useful Packages

I’ve got a library of go-to packages for Laravel projects that can knock days off a project. When the wheel is invented, developed, and proven in production, there’s no good business case to do it again.


WordPress Snippet: Creating an action endpoint

90% of my WordPress based work is API integrations and back-end systems integration work. It’s important to be able to quickly and easily have two systems speaking to each other.
